van Hoesel, R. J., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2011). Statistical bias in the assessment of binaural benefit relative to the better ear. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130(6), 4082-4088.
File: pub_2011vanHoeselLitovskyJAcoustSocAm.pdf
Todd, A. E., Edwards, J. R., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2011). Production of contrast between sibilant fricatives by children with cochlear implants. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130(6), 3969-3979.
File: pub_2011ToddEdwardsLitovskyJAcoustSocAm.pdf
Runge, C. L., Jensen, J., Friedland, D. R., Litovsky, R. Y., & Tarima, S. (2011). Aiding and occluding the contralateral ear in implanted children with auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 22(9), 567-577.
File: pub_2011RungeEtAlJAmAcadAudiol.pdf
Lu, T., Litovsky, R., & Zeng, F. G. (2011). Binaural unmasking with multiple adjacent masking electrodes in bilateral cochlear implant users. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 129(6), 3934-3945.
File: pub_2011LuLitovskyZengJAcoustSocInt.pdf
Litovsky, R. Y. (2011). Review of recent work on spatial hearing skills in children with bilateral cochlear implants. Cochlear Implants International, 12(1), S30-S34.
File: pub_2011LitovskyCochlearImpInt.pdf
Jones, G. L., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2011). A cocktail party model of spatial release from masking by both noise and speech interferers. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130(3), 1463-1474.
File: pub_2011JonesLitovskyJAcoustSocAm.pdf