Goupell, M. J., Stoelb, C. A., Kan, A., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2018). The Effect of Simulated Interaural Frequency Mismatch on Speech Understanding and Spatial Release From Masking. Ear and hearing.
File: Goupell-et-al-2018_freq-mismatch-and-SRM.pdf
Keng Moua, Heath G. Jones, Alan Kan, Ruth Y. Litovsky
Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 2015
File: Aud_Motion_ARO2015_Poster_Final.pdf
Corey Stoelb, Alan Kan, Matthew J. Goupell, and Ruth Y. Litovsky
Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 2013
File: 2013-ARO-Mismatch-SRM-v1.5.pdf
Winn, M.B., Buhr-Lawler, M., Kan, A., Jones, H., Litovsky, R., & Gubbels, S. (2014).
American Cochlear Implant Alliance Conference, Nashville, TN.
Tanvi Thakkar, Alan Kan, and Ruth Y. Litovsky
Acoustical Society of America, 2017
File: ASA_Tanvi_Thakkar_BiGroupNH_v_FINAL.pdf
Tanvi Thakkar, Alan Kan, and Ruth Y. Litovsky
Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 2016
File: ARO_Tanvi_Thakkar_BiGroup_2016_final.pdf
Winn, M.B., Edwards, J.R., Litovsky, R.Y. (2015). The impact of auditory spectral resolution on listening effort revealed by pupil dilation. Ear and Hearing.
File: pub_2015WinnEdwardsLitovsky_EarHearing.pdf
Winn, M.B. and Litovsky, R.Y. (2014).
American Cochlear Implant Alliance Conference, Nashville, TN.
Tanvi Thakkar, Alan Kan, and Ruth Y. Litovsky, (2019).
Talk presented at the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Baltimore, MD.
Misurelli, S.M., Litovsky, R.Y. (2018).
University of Wisconsin Department of Surgery Annual Research Summit, Madison, WI.