Peng, Z., White, R., Misurelli, S., Moua, K., Kan, A., & Litovsky, R.Y. (2018).
Acoustical Society of America Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.
Ruth Y. Litovsky, Matthew J. Goupell, Alan Kan, and David M. Landsberger. Use of Research Interfaces for Psychophysical Studies With Cochlear-Implant Users. Trends in Hearing. First Published November 8, 2017.
File: litovsky-goupell-kan-landsberger-2017-tih-best-practices-ci-research.pdf
Litovsky, R. Y., & Clifton, R. K. (1992). Use of sound‐pressure level in auditory distance discrimination by 6‐month‐old infants and adults. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 92(2), 794-802.
File: pub_1992LitovskyCliftonJAcoustSocAm.pdf
Xin Zhou, Gabriel Sobczak, Ruth Y. Litovsky, (2019).
Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Baltimore, MD.
File: XZhou-ARO-2019.pdf
Agudemu Borjigin, Stephen R. Dennison, Alan Kan, Ruth Y. Litovsky. ARO 2024.
File: ARO2024.pdf
Xin Zhou, Emily Burg, Alan Kan, Ruth Y. Litovsky (2019).
Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses, Lake Tahoe, CA.
File: XZhou_CIAP_Final.pdf
Alan Kan and Matthew Winn
Joint meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan, 2016
File: Kan_Winn_2016_ASA_Ear_Advantage_1D.pdf
Winn, M., Litovsky, R. (2015) Using speech sounds to test functional spectral resolution in listeners with cochlear implants. J. Acoust Soc Am, 137, 1430-1442
File: pub_2015WinnLitovskyJASA.pdf
Grieco-Calub, T. M., Litovsky, R. Y., & Werner, L. A. (2008). Using the observer-based psychophysical procedure to assess localization acuity in toddlers who use bilateral cochlear implants. Otology & Neurotology, 29(2), 235-239.
File: pub_2008GriecoCalubLitovksyWernerOtolNeurotol.pdf
Emily A. Burg, Ellen Peng, Tanvi Thakkar, Shelly Godar, Lukas Suveg, Won Jang, Ruth Y. Litovsky (2021). Talk presented at the Association for Research in Otolaryngology Virtual Conference.