- A Mixed-Rate Strategy on a Bilaterally-Synchronized Cochlear Implant Processor Offering the Opportunity to Provide Both Speech Understanding and Interaural Time Difference Cues.
Dennison SR, Thakkar T, Kan A, Svirsky MA, Azadpour M, Litovsky RY. Journal of Clinical Medicine.
- Cortical mechanisms of across-ear speech integration investigated using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS)
Sobczak GG, Zhou X, Moore LE, Bolt DM, Litovsky RY. PLoS One.
- Discrimination and sensorimotor adaptation of self-produced vowels in cochlear implant users
Agudemu Borjigin; Sarah Bakst; Katla Anderson; Ruth Y. Litovsky; Caroline A. Niziolek. JASA 2024.
- Review of Binaural Processing With Asymmetrical Hearing Outcomes in Patients With Bilateral Cochlear Implants.
Anderson SR, Burg E, Suveg L, Litovsky RY. Trends in Hearing.
- Speech Recognition and Spatial Hearing in Young Adults With Down Syndrome: Relationships With Hearing Thresholds and Auditory Working Memory
Anshu K, Kristensen K, Godar SP, Zhou X, Hartley SL, Litovsky RY. Ear and Hearing.
- Web-based psychoacoustics of binaural hearing: Two validation experiments
Z. Ellen Peng, Emily A. Burg, Tanvi Thakkar, Shelly P. Godar, Sean R. Anderson, and Ruth Y. Litovsky. JASA 2023.
- Word Learning in Deaf Adults Who Use Cochlear Implants: The Role of Talker Variability and Attention to the Mouth
Jasenia Hartman, Jenny Saffran, and Ruth Litovsky. Ear and Hearing 2023.
- Hearing Preservation and Spatial Hearing Outcomes After Cochlear Implantation in Children With TMPRSS3 Mutations
Peng, Z. E., Garcia, A., Godar, S. P., Holt, J. R., Lee, D. J., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2023). Hearing Preservation and Spatial Hearing Outcomes After Cochlear Implantation in Children With TMPRSS3 Mutations. Otology & neurotology : official publication of the American Otological Society, American Neurotology Society [and] European Academy of Otology and Neurotology, 44(1), 21–25. https://doi.org/10.1097/MAO.0000000000003747
- Interaural asymmetry of dynamic range: Abnormal fusion, bilateral interference, and shifts in attention
Anderson, S. R., Gallun, F. J., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2023). Interaural asymmetry of dynamic range: Abnormal fusion, bilateral interference, and shifts in attention. Frontiers in neuroscience, 16, 1018190. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnins.2022.1018190
- Lateralization of binaural envelope cues measured with a mobile cochlear-implant research processor
Stephen R. Dennison, Tanvi Thakkar, Alan Kan, Ruth Y. Litovsky (2023). Lateralization of binaural envelope cues measured with a mobile cochlear-implant research processor. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 153 (6): 3543–3558. https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0019879
- Lateralization of interaural time differences with mixed rates of stimulation in bilateral cochlear implant listeners
Thakkar, T., Kan, A., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2023). Lateralization of interaural time differences with mixed rates of stimulation in bilateral cochlear implant listeners. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 153(3), 1912. https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0017603
- Asymmetric temporal envelope sensitivity: Within- and acrossear envelope comparisons in listeners with bilateral cochlear implants
Sean R. Anderson, Alan Kan, and Ruth Y. Litovsky. Acoustical Society of America (2022).
- Conducting clinical trials in persons with Down syndrome: summary from the NIH INCLUDE Down syndrome clinical trials readiness working group
Baumer, N. T., Becker, M. L., Capone, G. T., Egan, K., Fortea, J., Handen, B. L., Head, E., Hendrix, J. E., Litovsky, R. Y., Strydom, A., Tapia, I. E. & Rafii, M. S. (2022). Conducting clinical trials in persons with Down syndrome: summary from the NIH INCLUDE Down syndrome clinical trials readiness working group. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 14:22.
- Effects of degraded speech processing and binaural unmasking investigated using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS)
Zhou X, Sobczak GS, McKay CM, Litovsky RY (2022) Effects of degraded speech processing and binaural unmasking investigated using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). PLoS ONE 17(4): e0267588. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0267588
- Inhibitory Control in Children 4–10 Years of Age: Evidence From Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Task-Based Observations
Zhou, X., Planalp, E.M., Heinrich, L., Pletcher, C., DiPiero, M.A., Alexander, A.L., Litovsky, R.Y., and Dean, D. (2022). Inhibitory control in children 4-10 years of age: Evidence from fNIRS task-based observations. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience: 818.
- Interaural speech asymmetry predicts bilateral speech intelligibility but not listening effort in adults with bilateral cochlear implants
Emily A. Burg, Tanvi D. Thakkar and Ruth Y. Litovsky. Frontiers in Neuroscience (2022).
- Investigating effortful speech perception using fNIRS and pupillometry measures
Zhou X, Burg E, Kan K, Litovsky RY (2022). Investigating effortful speech perception using fNIRS and pupillometry measures. Neurobiology: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.crneur.2022.100052
- Novel Approaches to Measure Spatial Release From Masking in Children With Bilateral Cochlear Implants
Peng, Z. E., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2022). Novel Approaches to Measure Spatial Release From Masking in Children With Bilateral Cochlear Implants. Ear and hearing, 43(1), 101–114. https://doi.org/10.1097/AUD.0000000000001080
- Sound source localization patterns and bilateral cochlear implants: Age at onset of deafness effects
Anderson, S. R., Jocewicz, R., Kan, A., Zhu, J., Tzeng, S., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2022). Sound source localization patterns and bilateral cochlear implants: Age at onset of deafness effects. PloS one, 17(2), e0263516.
- Spanish Version: Conducting clinical trials in persons with Down syndrome: summary from the NIH INCLUDE Down syndrome clinical trials readiness working group
Baumer, N. T., Becker, M. L., Capone, G. T., Egan, K., Fortea, J., Handen, B. L., Head, E., Hendrix, J. E., Litovsky, R. Y., Strydom, A., Tapia, I. E. & Rafii, M. S. (2022). Conducting clinical trials in persons with Down syndrome: summary from the NIH INCLUDE Down syndrome clinical trials readiness working group. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 14:22.
- Acoustical Society of America Silver Medal in Psychological and Physiological Acoustics 2021: Ruth Y. Litovsky
Litovsky, R. Y. (2021). Acoustical Society of America Silver Medal in Psychological and Physiological Acoustics 2021: Ruth Y. Litovsky. Chicago
- Language and executive functioning in young adults with Down syndrome
Kristensen, K., Lorenz, K.M., Zhou, X., Piro-Gambetti, B., Hartley, S.L., Godar, S.P., Diel, S., Neubauer, E., & Litovsky, R.Y. (2021). Language and executive functioning in young adults with Down syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research.
- Signal envelope and speech intelligibility differentially impact auditory motion perception
Warnecke, M., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2021). Signal envelope and speech intelligibility differentially impact auditory motion perception. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-10.
- Systematic Comparison of Trial Exclusion Criteria for Pupillometry Data Analysis in Individuals With Single-Sided Deafness and Normal Hearing
Burg, E. A., Thakkar, T., Fields, T., Misurelli, S. M., Kuchinsky, S. E., Roche, J., Lee, D. J., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2021). Systematic Comparison of Trial Exclusion Criteria for Pupillometry Data Analysis in Individuals With Single-Sided Deafness and Normal Hearing. Trends in Hearing.
- The Impact of Synchronized Cochlear Implant Sampling and Stimulation on Free-Field Spatial Hearing Outcomes: Comparing the ciPDA Research Processor to Clinical Processors
Dennison, S. R., Jones, H. G., Kan, A., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2021). The Impact of Synchronized Cochlear Implant Sampling and Stimulation on Free-Field Spatial Hearing Outcomes: Comparing the ciPDA Research Processor to Clinical Processors. Ear and Hearing.
- The Role of Interaural Differences, Head Shadow, and Binaural Redundancy in Binaural Intelligibility Benefits Among School-Aged Children
Ellen Peng Z, Litovsky RY (2021). The Role of Interaural Differences, Head Shadow, and Binaural Redundancy in Binaural Intelligibility Benefits Among School-Aged Children. Trends in Hearing.
- Auditory Attention and Spatial Unmasking in Children With Cochlear Implants
Misurelli, S. M., Goupell, M. J., Burg, E. A., Jocewicz, R., Kan, A., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2020). Auditory Attention and Spatial Unmasking in Children With Cochlear Implants. Trends in Hearing, 24, 2331216520946983.
- Comparing fNIRS signal qualities between approaches with and without short channels
Zhou, X., Sobczak, G., McKay, C. M., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2020). Comparing fNIRS signal qualities between approaches with and without short channels. Plos one, 15(12), e0244186.
- Development of Binaural Sensitivity: Eye Gaze as a Measure of Real-time Processing
Peng, Z. E., Kan, A., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2020). Development of Binaural Sensitivity: Eye Gaze as a Measure of Real-time Processing. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 14, 39.
- Evaluating the Impact of Age, Acoustic Exposure, and Electrical Stimulation on Binaural Sensitivity in Adult Bilateral Cochlear Implant Patients
Thakkar, T., Anderson, S. R., Kan, A., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2020). Evaluating the Impact of Age, Acoustic Exposure, and Electrical Stimulation on Binaural Sensitivity in Adult Bilateral Cochlear Implant Patients. Brain Sciences, 10(6), 406.
- Long-Term Language Development in Children With Early Simultaneous Bilateral Cochlear Implants
Wie, O. B., von Koss Torkildsen, J., Schauber, S., Busch, T., & Litovsky, R. (2020). Long-Term Language Development in Children With Early Simultaneous Bilateral Cochlear Implants. Ear and Hearing.
- Recognition of vocoded words and sentences in quiet and multi-talker babble with children and adults
Goupell, M. J., Draves, G. T., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2020). Recognition of vocoded words and sentences in quiet and multi-talker babble with children and adults. PloS one, 15(12), e0244632.
- Self-Reported Hearing Loss and Longitudinal Cognitive Function in a Cohort Enriched with Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease
Fields, T. N., Mueller, K. D., Koscik, R. L., Johnson, S. C., Okonkwo, O. C., & Litovsky, R. Y. Self-Reported Hearing Loss and Longitudinal Cognitive Function in a Cohort Enriched with Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, (Preprint), 1-9.
- The impact of temporal fine structure and signal envelope on auditory motion perception
Warnecke, M., Peng, Z. E., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2020). The impact of temporal fine structure and signal envelope on auditory motion perception. Plos one, 15(8), e0238125.
- Assessing Fine-Grained Speech Discrimination in Young Children With Bilateral Cochlear Implants
Peng, Z. E., Hess, C., Saffran, J. R., Edwards, J. R., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2019). Assessing Fine-Grained Speech Discrimination in Young Children With Bilateral Cochlear Implants. Otology & Neurotology.
- Asymmetric temporal envelope encoding: Implications for within- and across-ear envelope comparison
Anderson, S. R., Kan, A., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2019). Asymmetric temporal envelope encoding: Implications for within-and across-ear envelope comparison. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146(2), 1189-1206.
- Auditory motion tracking ability of adults with normal hearing and with bilateral cochlear implants
Moua, K., Kan, A., Jones, H.G., Misurelli, S.M., Litovsky, R.Y. (2019). Auditory motion tracking ability of adults with normal hearing and with bilateral cochlear implants. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.
- Binaural unmasking with temporal envelope and fine structure in listeners with cochlear implants
Todd, A., Goupell, M., Litovsky, R.Y. (2019). Binaural Unmasking with temporal envelope and fine structure in listeners with cochlear implants. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 145 (5).
- Effect of channel separation and interaural mismatch on fusion and lateralization in normal-hearing and cochlear-implant listeners
Kan, A., Goupell, M., & Litovsky, R. (2019). Effect of channel separation and interaural mismatch on fusion and lateralization in normal-hearing and cochlear implant listeners. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 146 (2).
- Restoration of spatial hearing in adult cochlear implant users with single-sided deafness
Litovsky, R. Y., Moua, K., Godar, S., Kan, A., Misurelli, S. M., & Lee, D. J. (2019). Restoration of spatial hearing in adult cochlear implant users with single-sided deafness. Hearing research.
- Sound Localization in Toddlers with Normal Hearing and with Bilateral Cochlear Implants Revealed Through a Novel ‘‘Reaching for Sound’’ Task
Bennett, E. E., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2019). Sound Localization in Toddlers with Normal Hearing and with Bilateral Cochlear Implants Revealed Through a Novel'Reaching for Sound'Task. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology.
- Temporal dynamics and uncertainty in binaural hearing revealed by anticipatory eye movements
Winn, Matthew B., Kan, Alan, and Litovsky, Ruth Y. (2019). Temporal dynamics and uncertainty in binaural hearing revealed by anticipatory eye movements. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.
- The SAGE Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders – Binaural Hearing
Litovsky, R. (2019). Binaural hearing. In J. Damico & M. Ball (Eds.), The SAGE encyclopedia of human communication sciences and disorders (Vol. 1, pp. 289-289). Thousand Oaks,, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi: 10.4135/9781483380810.n92
- Understanding auditory motion perception: the role of temporal fine structure and envelope cues
Warnecke, M., Litovsky, R.Y. (2019). Understanding auditory motion perception: the role of temporal fine structure and envelope cues. Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Acoustics. Aachen, Germany.
- A systematic assessment of a cochlear implant processor’s ability to encode interaural time differences
Kan, A., Peng, Z., Moua, K., Litovsky, R., (2018) "A systematic assessment
of a cochlear implant processor's ability to encode interaural time
differences", Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Signal and Information
Processing Association - Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA-ASC),
Honolulu, HI, Nov 12-15, 2018 - Cortical Speech Processing in Postlingually Deaf Adult Cochlear Implant Users, as Revealed by Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
Zhou X, Seghouane AK, Shah A, Innes-Brown H, Cross W, Litovsky R, McKay CM. Trends Hear. 2018 Jan-Dec;22:2331216518786850. doi: 10.1177/2331216518786850.
- Mixed stimulation rates to improve sensitivity of interaural timing differences in bilateral cochlear implant listeners
Thakkar, T., Kan, A., Jones, H. G., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2018). Mixed stimulation rates to improve sensitivity of interaural timing differences in bilateral cochlear implant listeners. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 143(3), 1428-1440.
- Spatial Release From Masking in 2-Year-Olds With Normal Hearing and With Bilateral Cochlear Implants
Hess CL, Misurelli SM, Litovsky RY (2018). Spatial release from masking in 2-year-olds with normal hearing and with bilateral cochlear implants. Trends in Hearing. 22: 1-13.
- The Effect of Simulated Interaural Frequency Mismatch on Speech Understanding and Spatial Release From Masking
Goupell, M. J., Stoelb, C. A., Kan, A., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2018). The Effect of Simulated Interaural Frequency Mismatch on Speech Understanding and Spatial Release From Masking. Ear and hearing.
- Binaural sensitivity in children who use bilateral cochlear implants
Ehlers, E., Goupell, M. J., Zheng, Y., Godar, S. P., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2017). Binaural sensitivity in children who use bilateral cochlear implants. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 141(6), 4264-4277.
- Spectro-temporal cues enhance modulation sensitivity in cochlear implant users
Zheng, Y., Stoelb, C., Escabí, M., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2017). Spectro-temporal cues enhance modulation sensitivity in cochlear implant users. Hearing Research.
- The acoustics of word-initial fricatives and their effect on word-level intelligibility in children with bilateral cochlear implants
Reidy, P. F., Kristensen, K., Winn, M. B., Litovsky, R. Y., & Edwards, J. R. (2017). The acoustics of word-initial fricatives and their effect on word-level intelligibility in children with bilateral cochlear implants. Ear and Hearing, 38(1), 42-56. doi:10.1097/AUD.0000000000000349
- The Relationship Between Intensity Coding and Binaural Sensitivity in Adults With Cochlear Implants
Todd, A. E., Goupell, M. J., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2017). The Relationship Between Intensity Coding and Binaural Sensitivity in Adults With Cochlear Implants. Ear and hearing, 38(2), e128-e141
- Use of Research Interfaces for Psychophysical Studies With Cochlear-Implant Users
Ruth Y. Litovsky, Matthew J. Goupell, Alan Kan, and David M. Landsberger. Use of Research Interfaces for Psychophysical Studies With Cochlear-Implant Users. Trends in Hearing. First Published November 8, 2017.
- Bilateral cochlear implants in children: Effects of auditory experience and deprivation on auditory perception
Litovsky, R.Y., & Gordon, K. (2016). Bilateral cochlear implants in children: Effects of auditory experience and deprivation on auditory perception. Hearing Research, 338, 76-87. doi: 10.1016/j.heares.2016.01.003
- Binaural hearing in children using Gaussian enveloped and transposed tones
Ehlers, E., Kan, A., Winn, B., Stoelb, C., Litovsky, R.Y. (2016). Binaural hearing in children using Gaussian enveloped and transposed tones. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 139(4), 1724-1733. doi: 10.1121/1.4945588
- Binaural release from masking with single-and multi-electrode stimulation in children with cochlear implants
Todd, A. E., Goupell, M. J., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2016). Binaural release from masking with single-and multi-electrode stimulation in children with cochlear implants. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 140(1), 59-73.
- Connectivity in Language Areas of the Brain in Cochlear Implant Users as Revealed by fNIRS
McKay, C., Shah, A., Seghouane, A., Zhou, X., Cross, W., & Litovsky, R. (2016). Connectivity in Language Areas of the Brain in Cochlear Implant Users as Revealed by fNIRS. In Physiology, Psychoacoustics and Cognition in Normal and Impaired Hearing. Springer International Publishing.
- Does bilateral experience lead to improved spatial unmasking of speech in children who use bilateral cochlear implants?
Litovsky, R. Y., & Misurelli, S. M. (2016). Does bilateral experience lead to improved spatial unmasking of speech in children who use bilateral cochlear implants? Otology & Neurotology, 37(2), e35-e42. doi: 10.1097/MAO.0000000000000905
- Lateralization of interaural timing differences with multi-electrode stimulation in bilateral cochlear-implant users
Kan, A., Jones, H.G., Litovsky, R.Y. (2016). Lateralization of interaural timing differences with multi-electrode stimulation in bilateral cochlear-implant users. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Express Letters, 140 (5), EL392-EL398. doi:10.1121/1.4967014
- Spatial attention in bilateral cochlear-implant users
Goupell, M., Kan, A., Litovsky, R.Y. (2016). Spatial attention in bilateral cochlear-implant users. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 140(3), 1652-1662. doi: 10.1121/1.4962378
- The Effect of Microphone Placement on Interaural Level Differences and Sound Localization Across the Horizontal Plane in Bilateral Cochlear Implant Users
Jones, H. G., Kan, A., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2016). The Effect of Microphone Placement on Interaural Level Differences and Sound Localization Across the Horizontal Plane in Bilateral Cochlear Implant Users. Ear and Hearing, 37(5), e341-e345. doi: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000000297
- Bilateral Loudness Balancing and Distorted Spatial Perception in Recipients of Bilateral Cochlear Implants
Fitzgerald, M. B., Kan, A., & Goupell, M. J. (2015). Bilateral Loudness Balancing and Distorted Spatial Perception in Recipients of Bilateral Cochlear Implants. Ear Hear, 36(5), e225-e236. doi: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000000174
- Binaural hearing with electrical stimulation
Kan, A., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2015). Binaural hearing with electrical stimulation. Hearing Research, 322, 127-137.
- Development of Sound Localization Strategies in Children with Bilateral Cochlear Implants
Zheng, Y., Godar, S. P., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2015). Development of Sound Localization Strategies in Children with Bilateral Cochlear Implants. PloS one,10(8), e0135790.
- Development of the auditory system
Litovsky, R. (2015). Development of the auditory system. In Handbook of Clinical Neurology (pp. 55-72). Waltham, MA: Elsevier.
- Effect of multi-electrode configuration on sensitivity to interaural timing differences in bilateral cochlear-implant users
Kan, A., Jones, H. G., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2015). Effect of multi-electrode configuration on sensitivity to interaural timing differences in bilateral cochlear-implant users. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,138(6), 3826-3833.
- Effects of interaural pitch matching and auditory image centering on binaural sensitivity in cochlear implant users
Kan, A., Litovsky, R.Y., Goupell, M.J. (2015). Effects of interaural pitch matching and auditory image centering on binaural sensitivity in cochlear implant users. Ear and Hearing, 36(3), e62-e68. doi: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000000135
- Evidence for a neural source of the precedence effect in sound localization
Brown, A. D., Jones, H. G., Kan, A. H., Thakkar, T., Stecker, G. C., Goupell, M. J., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2015). Evidence for a neural source of the precedence effect in sound localization. Journal of Neurophysiology, 114(5), 2991-3001.
- Limitations on Monaural and Binaural Temporal Processing in Bilateral Cochlear Implant Listeners
Ihlefeld, A., Carlyon, R. P., Kan, A., Churchill, T. H., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2015). Limitations on Monaural and Binaural Temporal Processing in Bilateral Cochlear Implant Listeners. Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 1-12.
- Precedence based speech segregation in bilateral cochlear implant users
Hossain, S., Montazeri, V., Assmann, P. F., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2015). Precedence based speech segregation in bilateral cochlear implant users. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 138(6), EL545.
- Sensitivity to interaural envelope correlation changes in bilateral cochlear-implant users
Goupell, M. J., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2015). Sensitivity to interaural envelope correlation changes in bilateral cochlear-implant users. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 137(1), 335-349.
- Spatial release from masking in children with bilateral cochlear implants and with normal hearing: Effect of target-interferer similarity
Misurelli, S., Litovsky, R. (2015) Spatial release from masking in children with bilateral cochlear implants and with normal hearing: Effect of target-interferer similarity. J. Acoust Soc Am, 138(1), 319-331.
- The impact of auditory spectral resolution on listening effort revealed by pupil dilation
Winn, M.B., Edwards, J.R., Litovsky, R.Y. (2015). The impact of auditory spectral resolution on listening effort revealed by pupil dilation. Ear and Hearing.
- Using speech sounds to test functional spectral resolution in listeners with cochlear implants
Winn, M., Litovsky, R. (2015) Using speech sounds to test functional spectral resolution in listeners with cochlear implants. J. Acoust Soc Am, 137, 1430-1442
- Across-frequency combination of interaural time difference in bilateral cochlear implant listeners
Ihlefeld, A., Kan, A., & Litovsky, R.Y. (2014). Across-frequency combination of interaural time difference in bilateral cochlear implant listeners. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. 8, Article 22. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2014.00022
- Comparing sound localization deficits in bilateral cochlear-implant users and vocoder simulations with normal-hearing listeners
Jones, H., Kan, A., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2014). Comparing sound localization deficits in bilateral cochlear-implant users and vocoder simulations with normal-hearing listeners. Trends in hearing, 18. doi: 10.1177/2331216514554574.
- Investigating long-term effects of cochlear implantation in single-sided deafness: a best practice model for longitudinal assessment of spatial hearing abilities and tinnitus handicap
Gartrell, B.C., Jones, H.G., Kan, A., Buhr-Lawler, M., Gubbels, S.P., Litovsky, R.Y. (2014). Investigating long-term effects of cochlear implantation in single-sided deafness: a best practice model for longitudinal assessment of spatial hearing abilities and tinnitus handicap. Otology & Neurotology 35(9), 1525-1532.
- Spatial hearing benefits demonstrated with presentation of acoustic temporal fine structure cues in bilateral cochlear implant listeners
Churchill, T.H., Kan, A., Goupell, M.J., Litovsky, R.Y. (2014). Spatial hearing benefits demonstrated with presentation of acoustic temporal fine structure cues in bilateral cochlear implant listeners. J. Acoust Soc Am. Sep; 136(3):1246.
- Speech perception in noise with a harmonic complex excited vocoder
Churchill, T. H., Kan, A., Goupell, M. J., Ihlefeld, A., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2014). Speech perception in noise with a harmonic complex excited vocoder. Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 15(2), 265-278.
- The effect of differential listening experience on the development of expressive and receptive language in children with bilateral cochlear implants
Hess, C., Zettler-Greeley, C., Godar, S. P., Ellis-Weismer, S., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2014). The effect of differential listening experience on the development of expressive and receptive language in children with bilateral cochlear implants. Ear and hearing, 35(4), 387.
- The effect of interaural fluctuation rate on correlation change discrimination
Goupell, M. J., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2014). The effect of interaural fluctuation rate on correlation change discrimination. Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 15(1), 115-129.
- The precedence effect and its buildup and breakdown in ferrets and humans
Tolnai, S., Litovsky, R. Y., & King, A. J. (2014). The precedence effect and its buildup and breakdown in ferrets and humans. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 135(3), 1406-1418. doi: 10.1121/1.4864486.
- Transitioning from bimodal to bilateral cochlear implant listening: speech recognition and localization in four individuals
Potts, L. G., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2014). Transitioning from bimodal to bilateral cochlear implant listening: Speech recognition and localization in four individuals. American Journal of Audiology, 23(1), 79-92. doi: 10.1044/1059-0889(2013/11-0031).
- Effect of mismatched place-of-stimulation on binaural fusion and lateralization in bilateral cochlear-implant users
Kan, A., Stoelb, C., Litovsky, R. Y., & Goupell, M. J. (2013). Effect of mismatched place-of-stimulation on binaural fusion and lateralization in bilateral cochlear-implant users. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 134(4), 2923-2936.
- Effect of mismatched place-of-stimulation on the salience of binaural cues in conditions that simulate bilateral cochlear-implant listening
Goupell, M. J., Stoelb, C., Kan, A., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2013). Effect of mismatched place-of-stimulation on the salience of binaural cues in conditions that simulate bilateral cochlear-implant listening. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 133(4), 2272-2287.
- Mapping procedures can produce non-centered auditory images in bilateral cochlear implantees
Goupell, M. J., Kan, A., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2013). Mapping procedures can produce non-centered auditory images in bilateral cochlear implantees. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 133(2), EL101-EL107.
- Reaching for sound measures: An ecologically valid estimate of spatial hearing in 2- to 3-year-old children with bilateral cochlear implants
Litovsky, R. Y., Ehlers, E., Hess, C., & Harris, S. (2013). Reaching for Sound Measures: An Ecologically Valid Estimate of Spatial Hearing in 2-3 year old Children with Bilateral Cochlear Implants. Otology & Neurotology. 34(3), 429-435.
- Interaural level differences do not suffice for restoring spatial release from masking in simulated cochlear implant listening
Ihlefeld, A., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2012). Interaural level differences do not suffice for restoring spatial release from masking in simulated cochlear implant listening. PLoS One, 7(9), e45296. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0045296.
- Spatial acuity in 2-to-3-year-old children with normal acoustic hearing, unilateral cochlear implants, and bilateral cochlear implants
Grieco-Calub, T. M., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2012). Spatial acuity in two-to-three-year-old children with normal acoustic hearing, unilateral cochlear implants and bilateral cochlear implants. Ear and hearing, 33(5), 561.
- Spatial release from masking in children with normal hearing and with bilateral cochlear implants: Effect of interferer asymmetry
Misurelli, S. M., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2012). Spatial release from masking in children with normal hearing and with bilateral cochlear implants: Effect of interferer asymmetry. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 132(1), 380-391.
- Studies on bilateral cochlear implants at the University of Wisconsin’s Binaural Hearing and Speech Laboratory
Litovsky, R.Y., Goupell, M.J., Godar, S., Grieco-Calub, T., Jones, G.L., Garadat, S.N., Agrawal, S., Kan, A., Todd, A., Hess, C., & Misurelli, S. (2012). Studies on bilateral cochlear implants at the University of Wisconsin’s Binaural Hearing and Speech Laboratory. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 23(6), 476-494.
- The effect of an additional reflection in a precedence effect experiment
Goupell, M. J., Yu, G., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2012). The effect of an additional reflection in a precedence effect experiment. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 131(4), 2958-2967.
- A cocktail party model of spatial release from masking by both noise and speech interferers
Jones, G. L., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2011). A cocktail party model of spatial release from masking by both noise and speech interferers. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130(3), 1463-1474.
- Aiding and occluding the contralateral ear in implanted children with auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder
Runge, C. L., Jensen, J., Friedland, D. R., Litovsky, R. Y., & Tarima, S. (2011). Aiding and occluding the contralateral ear in implanted children with auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 22(9), 567-577.
- Binaural unmasking with multiple adjacent masking electrodes in bilateral cochlear implant users
Lu, T., Litovsky, R., & Zeng, F. G. (2011). Binaural unmasking with multiple adjacent masking electrodes in bilateral cochlear implant users. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 129(6), 3934-3945.
- Production of contrast between sibilant fricatives by children with cochlear implants
Todd, A. E., Edwards, J. R., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2011). Production of contrast between sibilant fricatives by children with cochlear implants. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130(6), 3969-3979.
- Review of recent work on spatial hearing skills in children with bilateral cochlear implants
Litovsky, R. Y. (2011). Review of recent work on spatial hearing skills in children with bilateral cochlear implants. Cochlear Implants International, 12(1), S30-S34.
- Statistical bias in the assessment of binaural benefit relative to the better ear
van Hoesel, R. J., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2011). Statistical bias in the assessment of binaural benefit relative to the better ear. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130(6), 4082-4088.
- Binaural masking level differences in actual and simulated bilateral cochlear implant listeners
Lu, T., Litovsky, R., & Zeng, F. G. (2010). Binaural masking level differences in actual and simulated bilateral cochlear implant listeners. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 127(3), 1479-1490.
- Difference in precedence effect between children and adults signifies development of sound localization abilities in complex listening tasks
Litovsky, R. Y., & Godar, S. P. (2010). Difference in precedence effect between children and adults signifies development of sound localization abilities in complex listening tasks. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 128(4), 1979-1991.
- Effect of age at onset of deafness on binaural sensitivity in electric hearing in humans
Litovsky, R. Y., Jones, G. L., Agrawal, S., & van Hoesel, R. (2010). Effect of age at onset of deafness on binaural sensitivity in electric hearing in humans. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 127(1), 400-414.
- Effects of simulated spectral holes on speech intelligibility and spatial release from masking under binaural and monaural listening
Garadat, S. N., Litovsky, R. Y., Yu, G., & Zeng, F. G. (2010). Effects of simulated spectral holes on speech intelligibility and spatial release from masking under binaural and monaural listening. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 127(2), 977-989.
- Experience with bilateral cochlear implants improves sound localization acuity in children
Godar, S. M., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2010). Experience with bilateral cochlear implants improves sound localization acuity in children. Otology & Neurotology, 31(8), 1287.
- Sound localization skills in children who use bilateral cochlear implants and in children with normal acoustic hearing
Grieco-Calub, T. M., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2010). Sound localization skills in children who use bilateral cochlear implants and in children with normal acoustic hearing. Ear and hearing, 31(5), 645.
- Interaural time-delay sensitivity in bilateral cochlear implant users: effects of pulse rate, modulation rate, and place of stimulation
van Hoesel, R. J., Jones, G. L., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2009). Interaural time-delay sensitivity in bilateral cochlear implant users: effects of pulse rate, modulation rate, and place of stimulation. Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 10(4), 557.
- Predicting echo thresholds from speech onset characteristics
Miller, S. D., Litovsky, R. Y., & Kluender, K. R. (2009). Predicting echo thresholds from speech onset characteristics. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 125(4), EL134-EL140.
- Recognition and localization of speech by adult cochlear implant recipients wearing a digital hearing aid in the nonimplanted ear (bimodal hearing)
Potts, L. G., Skinner, M. W., Litovsky, R. A., Strube, M. J., & Kuk, F. (2009). Recognition and localization of speech by adult cochlear implant recipients wearing a digital hearing aid in the nonimplanted ear (bimodal hearing). Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 20(6), 353-373.
- Role of binaural hearing in speech intelligibility and spatial release from masking using vocoded speech
Garadat, S. N., Litovsky, R. Y., Yu, G., & Zeng, F. G. (2009). Role of binaural hearing in speech intelligibility and spatial release from masking using vocoded speech. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 126(5), 2522-2535.
- Spatial hearing and speech intelligibility in bilateral cochlear implant users
Litovsky, R. Y., Parkinson, A., & Arcaroli, J. (2009). Spatial hearing and speech intelligibility in bilateral cochlear implant users. Ear and Hearing, 30(4), 419.
- Speech recognition by bilateral cochlear implant users in a cocktail-party setting
Loizou, P. C., Hu, Y., Litovsky, R., Yu, G., Peters, R., Lake, J., & Roland, P. (2009). Speech recognition by bilateral cochlear implant users in a cocktail-party setting. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 125(1), 372-383.
- Spoken word recognition in toddlers who use cochlear implants
Grieco-Calub, T. M., Saffran, J. R., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2009). Spoken word recognition in toddlers who use cochlear implants. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 52(6), 1390-1400.
- Effects of uncertainty in a cocktail party environment in adults
Jones, G. L., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2008). Effects of uncertainty in a cocktail party environment in adults. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 124, 3818-3830.
- Using the observer-based psychophysical procedure to assess localization acuity in toddlers who use bilateral cochlear implants
Grieco-Calub, T. M., Litovsky, R. Y., & Werner, L. A. (2008). Using the observer-based psychophysical procedure to assess localization acuity in toddlers who use bilateral cochlear implants. Otology & Neurotology, 29(2), 235-239.
- William House Cochlear Implant Study Group: position statement on bilateral cochlear implantation
Balkany, T., Hodges, A., Telischi, F., Hoffman, R., Madell, J., Parisier, S., Gantz, B., Tyler, R., Peters, R., & Litovsky, R. (2008). William House Cochlear Implant Study Group: position statement on bilateral cochlear implantation. Otology & Neurotology, 29(2), 107-108.
- Importance of Age and Post-Implantation Experience on Performance in Children with Sequential Bilateral Cochlear Implants
Peters, R., Litovsky, R.Y., Parkinson, A., & Lake, J. (2007). Importance of Age and Post-Implantation Experience on Performance in Children with Sequential Bilateral Cochlear Implants. Otology & Neurotology, 28(5):649-57.
- Speech intelligibility in free field: Spatial unmasking in preschool children
Garadat, S. N., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2007). Speech intelligibility in free field: Spatial unmasking in preschool children. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 121(2), 1047-1055.
- Benefits of bilateral cochlear implants and/or hearing aids in children
Litovsky, R. Y., Johnstone, P. M., & Godar, S. P. (2006). Benefits of bilateral cochlear implants and/or hearing aids in children. International Journal of Audiology, 45(Supplement 1), S78-S91.
- Bilateral cochlear implants in children: localization acuity measured with minimum audible angle
Litovsky, R.Y., Johnstone, P.M., Godar, S., Agrawal, S., Parkinson, A., Peters, R., & Lake, J. (2006). Bilateral cochlear implants in children: localization acuity measured with minimum audible angle. Ear and Hearing. 27(1):43-59.
- Binaural unmasking with bilateral cochlear implants
Long, C. J., Carlyon, R. P., Litovsky, R. Y., & Downs, D. H. (2006). Binaural unmasking with bilateral cochlear implants. Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 7(4), 352.
- Effect of masker type on speech intelligibility and spatial release from masking in children and adults
Johnstone, P.M., & Litovsky, R.Y. (2006). Effect of masker type on speech intelligibility and spatial release from masking in children and adults. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 120(4):2177-89.
- Simultaneous bilateral cochlear implantation in adults: a multicenter clinical study
Litovsky, R., Parkinson, A., Arcaroli, J., & Sammeth, C. (2006). Simultaneous bilateral cochlear implantation in adults: a multicenter clinical study. Ear and hearing, 27(6), 714.
- Speech intelligibility and spatial release from masking in young children
Litovsky, R. Y. (2005). Speech intelligibility and spatial release from masking in young children. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 117(5), 3091-3099.
- Bilateral cochlear implants in adults and children
Litovsky, R. Y., Parkinson, A., Arcaroli, J., Peters, R., Lake, J., Johnstone, P., & Yu, G. (2004). Bilateral cochlear implants in adults and children. Archives of Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery, 130(5), 648-655.
- Bilateral cochlear implants in children
Litovsky, R., Johnstone, P., Parkinson, A., Peters, R., & Lake, J. (2004, November). Bilateral cochlear implants in children. In International Congress Series (Vol. 1273, pp. 451-454). Elsevier.
- Cochlear implant plus hearing aid: measuring bilateral benefit in children
Godar, S. P., Litovsky, R. Y., Johnstone, P. M., & Agrawal, S. S. (2004, November). Cochlear implant plus hearing aid: measuring binaural benefit in children. In International Congress Series (Vol. 1273, pp. 219-222). Elsevier.
- Cochlear implant speech recognition with speech maskers
Stickney, G. S., Zeng, F. G., Litovsky, R., & Assmann, P. (2004). Cochlear implant speech recognition with speech maskers. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 116(2), 1081-1091.
- Localization dominance in the median-sagittal plane: effect of stimulus duration
Dizon, R. M., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2004). Localization dominance in the median-sagittal plane: effect of stimulus duration. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 115(6), 3142-3155.
- The benefit of binaural hearing in a cocktail party: Effect of location and type of interferer
Hawley, M. L., Litovsky, R. Y., & Culling, J. F. (2004). The benefit of binaural hearing in a cocktail party: Effect of location and type of interferer. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 115(2), 833-843.
- The role of head-induced interaural time and level differences in the speech reception threshold for multiple interfering sound sources
Culling, J. F., Hawley, M. L., & Litovsky, R. Y. (2004). The role of head-induced interaural time and level differences in the speech reception threshold for multiple interfering sound sources. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 116(2), 1057-1065.
- Functional role of the human inferior colliculus in binaural hearing
Litovsky, R. Y., Fligor, B. J., & Tramo, M. J. (2002). Functional role of the human inferior colliculus in binaural hearing. Hearing research, 165(1), 177-188.
- Neural correlates of the precedence effect in the inferior colliculus: effect of localization cues
Litovsky, R. Y., & Delgutte, B. (2002). Neural correlates of the precedence effect in the inferior colliculus: effect of localization cues. Journal of Neurophysiology, 87(2), 976-994.
- Development of binaural audition and predictions for real-world environments
Litovsky RY (2001). Development of binaural audition and predictions for real-world environments. In Seewalk RC, Gravel JS, (eds). A Sound Foundation Through Early Amplification 2001: Proceedings of the Second International Conference.
- Investigation of the relationship between three common measures of precedence: fusion, localization dominance and discrimination suppression
Litovsky, R. Y., & Shinn-Cunningham, B. G. (2001). Investigation of the relationship among three common measures of precedence: fusion, localization dominance, and discrimination suppression. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 109(1), 346-358.
- Spatial unmasking of nearby speech sources in a simulated anechoic environment
Shinn-Cunningham, B. G., Schickler, J., Kopčo, N., & Litovsky, R. (2001). Spatial unmasking of nearby speech sources in a simulated anechoic environment. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 110(2), 1118-1129.
- Failure to unlearn the precedence effect
Litovsky, R. Y., Hawley, M. L., Fligor, B. J., & Zurek, P. M. (2000). Failure to unlearn the precedence effect. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 108(5), 2345-2352.
- Physiological measures of the precedence effect and spatial release from masking in the cat inferior colliculus
Litovsky R.Y., Lane C.C., Atencio C.A., Delgutte B. (2000) Physiological measures of the precedence effect and spatial release from masking in the cat inferior colliculus. In Breebart D.J., Houtsma A.J.M., Kohlrausch A., Prijs V.F., Schoonhoven R. (eds). Physiological and Psychophysical Bases of Auditory Function. Shaker Publishing BV, Maastricht.
- Receptive fields and binaural interactions for virtual-space stimuli in the cat inferior colliculus
Delgutte B, Joris PX, Litovsky RY, & Yin TC. (1999) Receptive fields and binaural interactions for virtual-space stimuli in the cat inferior colliculus. Journal of Neurophysiology 81(6):2833-51.
- Speech intelligibility and localization in a multi-source environments
Hawley, M. L., Litovsky, R. Y., & Colburn, H. S. (1999). Speech intelligibility and localization in a multi-source environment. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 105(6), 3436-3448.
- The precedence effect
Litovsky, R. Y., Colburn, H. S., Yost, W. A., & Guzman, S. J. (1999). The precedence effect. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 106(4), 1633-1654.
- Physiological studies of the precedence effect in the inferior colliculus of the cat. I. Correlates of psychophysics
Litovsky, R. Y., & Yin, T. C. (1998). Physiological studies of the precedence effect in the inferior colliculus of the cat. I. Correlates of psychophysics. Journal of neurophysiology, 80(3), 1285-1301.
- Physiological studies of the precedence effect in the inferior colliculus of the cat. II. Neural mechanisms
Litovsky, R. Y., & Yin, T. C. (1998). Physiological studies of the precedence effect in the inferior colliculus of the cat. II. Neural mechanisms. Journal of neurophysiology, 80(3), 1302-1316.
- Physiological studies of the precedence effect in the inferior colliculus of the kitten
Litovsky, R. Y. (1998). Physiological studies of the precedence effect in the inferior colliculus of the kitten. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 103(6), 3139-3152.
- Development of binaural and spatial hearing in infants and children
Litovsky RY, Ashmead DH. (1997) Development of binaural and spatial hearing in infants and children. In Gilkey RH, Anderson TR (eds). Binaural and Spatial Hearing in Real and Virtual Environments. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Developmental changes in the precedence effect: estimates of minimal audible angle
Litovsky, R. Y. (1997). Developmental changes in the precedence effect: estimates of minimum audible angle. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 102(3), 1739-1745.
- Psychophysical and physiological evidence for a precedence effect in the median sagittal plane
Litovsky, R. Y., Rakerd, B., Yin, T. C., & Hartmann, W. M. (1997). Psychophysical and physiological evidence for a precedence effect in the median sagittal plane. Journal of neurophysiology, 77(4), 2223-2226.
- Physiological studies of the precedence effect in the inferior colliculus of the cat
Yin T, Litovsky R. (1995) Physiological studies of the precedence effect in the inferior colliculus of the cat. In Manley GA, Klump GM, Koppl C, Fastl H, Oeckinghaus H (eds). Advances in Hearing Research: Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Hearing. World Scientific Publishers.
- Relative importance of different acoustic cues to the directional sensitivity of inferior-colliculus neurons
Delgutte B, Joris PX, Litovsky RY, Yin TCT. (1995) Relative importance of different acoustic cues to the directional sensitivity of inferior-colliculus neurons. In Manley GA, Klump GM, Koppl C, Fastl H, Oeckinghaus H (eds). Advances in Hearing Research: Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Hearing. World Scientific Publishers.
- Listeners’ expectations about echoes can raise or lower echo threshold
Clifton, R. K., Freyman, R. L., Litovsky, R. Y., & McCall, D. (1994). Listeners’ expectations about echoes can raise or lower echo threshold. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 95(3), 1525-1533.
- Minimum audible angle for clicks with simulated echoes: Effects of azimuth and standard
Litovsky, R. Y., & Macmillan, N. A. (1994). Minimum audible angle for clicks with simulated echoes: Effects of azimuth and standard. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 93(4), 2350-2350.
- Use of sound-pressure level in auditory distance discrimination by 6-month-old-infants and adults
Litovsky, R. Y., & Clifton, R. K. (1992). Use of sound‐pressure level in auditory distance discrimination by 6‐month‐old infants and adults. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 92(2), 794-802.
- Dynamic processes in the precedence effect
Freyman, R. L., Clifton, R. K., & Litovsky, R. Y. (1991). Dynamic processes in the precedence effect. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 90(2), 874-884.
- Object representation guides infants’ reaching in the dark
Clifton, R. K., Rochat, P., Litovsky, R. Y., & Perris, E. E. (1991). Object representation guides infants' reaching in the dark. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 17(2), 323.