Congratulations to Anshu! The picture was taken at the award ceremony.
Dr. Ruth Litovsky Selected as Niparko Memorial Lecturer for CI2024 Vancouver
Congratulations to our lab director Dr. Ruth Litovsky on being selected to deliver the annual Niparko Memorial Lecture at CI2024 Vancouver. For details, please click here.
BHSL Lab Director Ruth Litovsky interviewed by “Acoustics Today” from Acoustical Society of America!
Dr. Ruth Litovsky recently gave an interview to the “Sound Perspectives” essay series “Conversation with a Colleague,” published by Acoustical Society of America. The published interview can be found here.
BHSL Lab Director Ruth Litovsky appointed as Editor-in-Chief of Ear and Hearing!
Our lab director, Dr. Ruth Litovsky, has been appointed as the new Editor-in-Chief of Ear and Hearing beginning January 1, 2023. Congratulations, Dr. Litovsky! The official announcement from American Auditory Society can be found here.
BHSL Lab Director Ruth Litovsky honored with Silver Medal Award from ASA
Ruth Litovsky, our lab director, was honored with the prestigious Silver Medal Award from the Acoustical Society of America in the area of Psychological and Physiological Acoustics. The Silver Medal Award is presented to individuals …
BHSL work using fNIRs highlighted in Waisman Center news article
Lab director Ruth Litovsky and BHSL post-doc Xin Zhou were interviewed by the Waisman Center news team to talk about the work our lab is doing with functional near-infrared spectroscopy. Check out the article here!
BHSL Lab Director Ruth Litovsky gives prestigious Carhart Memorial Lecture at 2021 American Auditory Society
Ruth Litovsky, our lab director, was honored at the 2021 meeting of the American Auditory Society with the Carhart Memorial Lecture. The Carhart Award is the American Auditory Society’s recognition of those whose current research …
Ela Warnecke’s recent work featured in Waisman Center news article
Ela Warnecke, a post-doc in the BHSL, was featured in a Waisman Center news article for her work on auditory motion perception in cochlear implant users. The project is titled “The impacts of temporal fine …
Research associate Ellen Peng awarded prestigious JSLHR-Hearing Editor’s Award
Ellen Peng, a research associate in the BHSL, was awarded the Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research Editor’s Award for her dissertation work with Lily Wang on listening effort in native and nonnative listeners …
AuD/PhD student Emily Burg recieves Friends of Wasiman Center Award
Emily Burg, an Audiology/Ph.D. graduate student in the lab was awarded the Alvin L. Berman & Ruth Bleier Memorial Research Award on behalf of the Friends of Waisman Center. The award acknowledges outstanding research achievement …